Corporate Goverance
Corporate Goverance
- Composition
Executive Directors
- Mr. Cheung Sze Ming
- Ms. Li Kai Lai Miranda
Non-executive Directors
- Mr. Zhu Weiwen
- Independent Non-executive Directors
- Mr. Mak Ka Wing, Patrick
- Mr. Lam Wai Hung
- Mr. Lam Cheung Shing, Richard
Audit Committee
- Composition
Mr. Lam Wai Hung (Chairman)
Mr. Mak Ka Wing, Patrick
Mr. Lam Cheung Shing, Richard
- Terms of Reference
Remuneration Committee
- Composition
Mr. Lam Cheung Shing, Richard (Chairman)
Mr. Mak Ka Wing, Patrick
Mr. Lam Wai Hung
- Terms of Reference
Nomination Committee
- Composition
Mr. Mak Ka Wing, Patrick (Chairman)
Mr. Lam Wai Hung
Mr. Lam Cheung Shing, Richard
- Terms of Reference
Investment Committee
- Composition
Mr. Cheung Sze Ming
Mr. Lam Wai Hung
Ms. Li Kai Lai Miranda